Perennial Flowers- Although many Texas tough perennials can be planted throughout the growing season with success, fall is generally regarded by experienced gardeners as the BEST time to plant in Texas. If you choose plants cold hardy to our region (USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 8a) you’ll have little worry about them coming back in the spring! In fall, temperature will (statistically) get cooler each week. This paired with typically well-timed fall rains allows for easier establishment and less transplant shock for fall planted flowers. Whether they are evergreen, semi-evergreen or deciduous (loose their leaves in winter) they can better establish their newly planted root systems, more gently falling into winter dormancy– then leaping up as temperatures warm next spring. Choose fall favorites for the migrating Monarchs like fall aster, autumn sage or Texas lantana in stock now!
Shrubs- Unfortunately, many North Texans lost shrubs in the winter of 2021 when we saw record breaking freezing temperatures. But in most years, on average, we only get down to 10-15 F. Shrubs like dwarf abelia, dwarf yaupon holly, as well as most of our shrubby junipers were unfazed by those Uri temperatures. For the same reasons listed above, fall is generally regarded as the best time to place most shrubs. With what seemed like a short spring and the extremely hot and dry summer this year, you might just be looking for the prefect evergreen shrub to add year-round interest and structure throughout the winter!
Cool Season Veggies- If your 2022 spring and summer veggie gardens were a flop… you’re not alone! It got hot fast and stayed hot AND dry, which is a debilitating one/ two, punch for many veggies in Texas. The good news is that fall is upon us and that means redemption as well as higher yields are in reach! Now is a perfect time to plant cool season greens like lettuces, spinach and kale, root crops like carrots, radishes and beets, or brassicas like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower! BONUS: Most of these are extremely cold hardy, and able to grow right through the winter if you are willing to cover them a few times when temperatures get their coldest.
Ornamental Trees- There’s no doubt about it, fall is THE best time to plant trees in Texas and ornamental trees are no exception! Whether you’re rooting for the spring blooms of magnolias and redbuds, the summer show of desert willows and chitalpas, or the steadfast evergreen form of an ornamental juniper, fall is the best time to dig in. Those cooler temps and well-timed rains lay the perfect foundation for ornamental trees to take root! Whether they lose their leaves or keep them through winter these tough trees will be ready to branch out in spring.
Shade Trees- We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating, for best success plant trees in fall. That doesn’t mean you can’t establish trees in any season… just that it’s a lot easier to get them to take root in fall. That’s the main reason Texas has its very own Arbor Day the first Friday in November- going out on a limb from the rest of the country, who celebrates the holiday in spring. Choose from shade-giving beauties like Monterrey Oaks, bur oaks, chinkapin oaks and the ultra-tough cedar elms, each in stock now at Rooted In! BONUS: When picking out a tree in fall you get your pick of the ones with the best fall foliage!
Rooted in Plants:
Our new nursery and garden center specializes in regionally native and adapted plant material. We understand which plants, trees, and shrubs can best withstand the hot, dry summers of Texas, so your investment not only looks beautiful… but lasts for years! We also sell our favorite tools, planters, and amendments that our professionals use every day.
12804 Pelzel Rd Pilot Point TX 76258
HOURS: Thursday – Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sunday 10:00am to 5:00pm